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Monday, April 18, 2011

Surf the Web On a Smart TV

Digital receivers are bringing the Internet into millions of living rooms. Television manufacturers, feeling the competition from the digital receivers like Roku and Apple, are promoting smart TVs with similar services. In addition to streaming media from a few specific sites, many modern smart TVs also provide you with an integrated Web browser. With a smart TV, you can sit in your living room and enjoy your social media network in a 50” LCD instead of the little 13” laptop screen.  Actually when I heard this news, I was surprised because I had tried to connect my laptop with the TV screen to watch movies before, but I still needed to manipulate and set up everything on my laptop.  Right now I could really surf the net on a TV. While some opinions argue that one no longer need to run a TV and a laptop or tablet at the same ime with a smart TV, I also couldn’t help thinking whether cable company will like it or not. As we know, there are so many sites provide TV channels online. I myself always watch NBA game on the Internet. Although the image quality is not as good as a TV, it could still challenge these TV cable companies in my opinion.
NEWS from Wired: The right interface
These custom browsers are similar to those on your PC, and they include the basics you need for navigation and bookmarking. So instead of reaching for your laptop to search Wikipedia while you’re in front of the TV, you can do it all with one device.
TV-based web browsing can be easy or awkward, depending on the interface. Maneuvering around a browser using arrow buttons can sap the fun from the experience, and trying to enter words with a remote can lead to intense frustration.
Then there’s a new technology from LG called Magic Motion. It’s similar to a Nintendo Wii controller. You simply point the Magic Motion remote control at the screen and a little cursor follows the remote’s movement. You can enter text by clicking keys on a virtual keyboard.
                                                                        ----18:54, 24 March 2011 by loresjoberg.

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